GITA Group is the number one manufacturer of Railway Prestress Concrete Sleepers. Concrete sleepers are used for broad gauge railway tracks. Currently, we fulfill around 14% of the total requirement of the Indian Railways which will go up to 25% in the next 2 years.
We introduced for the first time in the world, the merry go round stress bench technology which is now used by over 90% of railway sleeper manufacturers. Our production centers are in Gujrat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal and Upcoming in Himachal Pradesh.
All our units are certified under ISO 9002. Our technical team, in close co-ordination with the Railway Authorities has been instrumental in developing the Ballastless Track Technology which was used very successfully by the Konkan Railway for Mumbai – Mangalore line.
In addition to Indian Railways, we cater to private siding projects like those of Cement Industries and Port Trusts. We manufacture the following variety of Railway Concrete Sleepers: