The leading Manufacturer and Suppliers of Refractory Fire Bricks such as Alumina Bricks & Magnesia Carbon Bricks in India Serving its value customers since 1995.
Gita Refractories with its head-office at Bangalore and plant in Hoskote, INDIA, is capable of producing Tailor-made Refractories at par with international standards to suit specific applications of different Industry verticals such as Steel, Cement, Glass, Coke Oven, Sponge Iron, Re-rolling mills, Petrochemical, Non-ferrous industries, Chemical and Incinerators etc.
Gita Refractories product line includes High Alumina Bricks, Magnesia Carbon Bricks, Magnesite, Mag-chrome Bricks, Chrome-Mag Bricks, Chromite Bricks, along with Monolithic consisting of Conventional, LC/ULC Castables and Ramming, Fettling, Gunning and spraying mixes.
Gita has been ever expanding its market since its inception and are presently catering to countries like Syria, Kenya, Ghana, Burma, Bangladesh, Middle East Countries and Sri Lanka and to sectors like Steel, Cement, glass, Coke Oven, Sponge Iron, Re‐rolling mills, Petrochemical, Non‐ferrous industries, Chemical and Incinerators etc.,
With the increased capacity and modernization, Gita Refractories is able to serve its customers with progressively updated technology - delivering consistently high quality products.
Gita is having the capacity to produce 2000MT / Month. Category wise distribution shall be as following: Monolitic@400MT, Mag Carvon Bricks @ 400MT & High Alumina Products @1200 MT / Month.
Gita possesses Sophisticated plant Infrastructure and is equipped with ultra high temperature tunnel kiln (+1750 Deg C), several high capacity pneumatically operated heavy‐duty mechanical presses, modern mixers, gassifier, mill house consisting of ball mill and other grinding units etc., You can see some of the images of various machineries, infrastructure and testing equipment at Gita Refractories of our website Further, as on ongoing process, the company is adding up many more machineries and equipment’s to strengthen and expand continuously modernizing the manufacturing capability and capacity of the plant.