Gilada group wants to be a significant producer of Green Energy. The goal is to grow the current Small Hydro power generation business of existing 15 MW to 60 MW businesses in 5 years i.e., by the end of March 2022.
The growth focus would be on Small Hydro projects (less than 25MW per location). The scale would be achieved through a judicious mix of organic and in-organic growth strategy, by developing (the current) Green field projects, alongside acquiring fully operational and / or under implementation projects across India.
Further phases of expansion would take the business to 100 MW and then to 200 MW capacity. Gilada Group aims to create business value in this green energy generation area, where vast potential opportunity for the growth exists.
Growth would be fueled by Equity and Debt financing. Debt would be accessed through Institutional, Banking and designated fund channels. Equity requirements would be augmented through accessing Private Equity participation.
Gilada Group has been in business since 1961. Group has varied business interests in the fields of manufacturing, trading and energy sectors and has a remarkable track record. The Group believes that 'growth' is possible only through building a team that believes in operational excellence - the Energy business is no exception.
Gilada Group entered Green Energy sector in the year 2001 by establishing 1.70 MW green field power stations in Mandya, Karnataka. These units have been functioning successfully for the past 9 years. Subsequently the group has added 13.50 MW of Project in the state of Maharashtra & Karnataka and has presently 15 MW of projects are in operation.
Currently the Group has 42 MW power projects in various stages of implementation, in the State of Maharashtra. Gilada Group is in discussions with Small Hydro energy players for potential acquisitions as part of the growth strategy.